5X Concentrate COOMASSIE nano Protein Staining Solution
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5X Concentrate COOMASSIE nano ╴Innovatively developed Next-Generation Protein Stain for faster and environment-friendly gel visualization.
5X COOMASSIE nano, innovatively enhanced by the proprietary nano-technology, is a concentrated, easy-to-reconstitute protein staining solution for SDS-PAGE gels and is also compatible with mass spectrophotometry. Its next generation formula offers faster protein detection and higher sensitivity while eliminating the conventional need for destaining and wash. In the absence of hazardous substances, such as methanol and acetic acid, 5X COOMASSIE nano is considered to be safe and environmentally friendly by reducing carbon footprint by as much as 80%.
Figure 1. The same performance between 1X & 5X COOMASSIE nano. We used ImageJ to analysis the 85 kDa band of lane 2 (red arrow), comparing the band intensity between 1X and 5X Coomassie nano. The variation is under 10%.
Lane 1:Prestain Protein Ladder #PM019-0500
Lane 2-15:2X Dilutions of Unstain Ladder #PMU12-0500
Figure 2. COOMASSIEnano Protein Staining Solution practices the fast-signal representing at 5 min. Prestained protein ladder, unstain protein ladder, and BSA were prepared and applied in electrophoresis. After running SDS-PAGE (4-20% Novex Gel), please remove the gel from the cassette then proceed to submerge the gel in proper amount of COOMASSIEnano dye, enough to cover the gel. Lightly agitate the staining box for 5 minutes to over night at room temperature.
Figure 3. COOMASSIEnano Protein Staining Solution demonstrates the high sensitivity detection could be down to 10 ng (Lane H). Prestained protein ladder, unstained protein ladder, and serial diluted BSA were prepared and applied in electrophoresis. After running 10% homemade gel (0.75 mm thickness), please remove the gel from the cassette then proceed to submerge the gel in a proper amount of COOMASSIEnano Protein Staining Solution, enough to cover the gel. Lightly agitate the staining container at room temperature when staining for 30 hrs.
Figure 4. Prestained protein ladder and serial diluted unstained protein ladder were prepared and applied in electrophoresis. After running SDS-PAGE (4-20% Novex Gel), remove the gel from the cassette then proceed to submerge the gel in a proper amount of COOMASSIEnano Protein Staining Solution, enough to cover the gel. Lightly agitate the staining box for 5 to 30 minutes at room temperature.
- Prepare a 5L bottle
- Unpack PS002-L05X and pour the liquid content into the bottle.
- Rinse residual reagent in the original bottle with deionized water.
- Add deionized water until the volume reaches 5L.
- Make 5X Concentrate COOMASSIE nano into 1X COOMASSIEnano protein staining solution.
- Carefully mix COOMASSIE nano up and down few times before use.
- After SDS-PAGE has finished, remove the gel from the cassette and submerge it in the proper amount of COOMASSIE nano stain, enough to cover the gel. Lightly agitate the staining box for 10 to 30 minutes at room temperature.
- As there is no need for washing or destaining, please continue to carefully remove the staining solution and rinse the excess stain in the gel with water.
- Image the gel.
- There is no risk of excessive staining. Instead, superior visibility for each band is achieved when the gel is submerged overnight.
- Carefully mix COOMASSIE nano up and down few times before use.
- If the gel is thicker than mini-gel (1mm), it will take longer to incubate.
- The staining solution may contain blue clumps. This is normal and easily dissolved in distilled water
Name | Download |
PROTOCOL | PS002_Protocol_v2_0809_Y.pdf |
Safety Data Sheet|SDS | Bio-Helix_PS002-L05X_V2_SDS.pdf |